July 27, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Equatorial Guinea Casinos

It is rare to find Equatorial Guinea casinos offering roulette, blackjack, and other gambling options. There are none. There are, however, some Equatorial Guinea casinos that have gaming machines. There are five of them.

In one way, it shouldn’t be surprising that Equatorial Guinea has no casinos. It is a small country with only 10,000 square miles in area and only half a million inhabitants. It is much smaller than most countries in the USA or UK and the smallest country in Africa.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that the country is extremely poor and needy. The country’s only export was cocoa, which was rich in that trade until a few years ago. However, the economic collapse and subsequent coups have made it one of Africa’s poorest countries. Although there may be a lot of destruction in a country, Equatorial Guinea has proven that there aren’t unlimited supplies.

One event happened in 1996, and we expected the list of Equatorial Guinea’s casinos would grow. The first crude oil was pumped. Equatorial Guinea is now Africa’s third-largest exporter. There is a lot of fat, so you would expect money to be spent in casinos and other places. However, most of this oil wealth has yet to reach the people. Not even the Government most of the time. The dictator Obiang treats the oil revenues as his chequebook and the National Treasury as his. The country is statistically rich, roughly equal to Portugal and Spain. However, this wealth is outside the pockets of the people and the public services. Raw sewage flows down the main streets of the capital.

While it may be true that casinos account for a large portion of the wealth in the county, this is more likely to happen in Monaco and other places where the wealthy spend their oil money.

Mozambique Casinos

In one sense, the relative infection of casinos in Mozambique is puzzling.

The country was popularly known as a destination for South Africans who wanted to escape the extremely restrictive gambling laws (and mixing with other races) they faced at home. You would expect a vibrant sector to serve this tourist market.

It’s possible that it isn’t surprising. It is among the poorest countries in the world after suffering through a terrible civil war, followed by devastating floods, and is slowly recovering. This makes a country less attractive as a tourist destination. However, there are still some beautiful beaches in the country.

It is also true that Mozambique’s casinos competed with other South African casinos, at least regionally, such as the Sun City, which the Kerzner family founded.

Here is a list of Mozambique casinos:

Maputo: Polana Casino Hotel

There are 78 slot machines and video poker, five American roulette tables, four blackjack tables and one poker table.

Namaacha: Sol Libombos Hotel Casino

There are 40 slot machines, American Roulette, and two poker tables.

The entire tourism industry in Mozambique is expected to grow rapidly over the coming years. Although most of Mozambique’s languages are African, a lot of Portuguese is still left from Portuguese colonial rule. English has also been introduced in South Africa and other parts of the world. It is also very affordable (because it is so poor) and has some of the best beaches in the world that face the Indian Ocean. These are the kinds of things that tourism officials love. As the country rises out of its current slump, it is likely that tourism will increase and that Mozambique’s casino list will also grow.

Although South Africa is unlikely to regain its reputation as a party destination, other options are available closer to home. The development of a long-distance tourism sector is in the works bahsegel. It would cater to Europeans seeking winter sun to escape the cold of the Northern Hemisphere winter. The Mozambique Channel is home to some of the best prawns (shrimps) in the entire world.

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